And now... Please read the information below carefully!

I don't want you to waste your money nor your time.
Lutgens, Tarbuck and Tasa 9th edition
Paper Text Cover (above)

The E-text and MasteringGeology:
Foundarions of Earth Science
Lutgens, Tarbuck, & Tasa, 9th Edition, ©2022, Prentice-Hall.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We use Modified MasteringGeology through Canvas

DO NOT buy the Mastering code anywhere other than the Miramar Bookstore (NOT City or Mesa!) or through Canvas!!!

Text/Mastering OPTIONS:

  1. Buy the e-Book at the Miramar bookstore, with the Mastering Code ($58.82)

  • IF you want/need a paper book, then you have various options:
    buy, rent or borrow a used copy of Earth online (usual places)
    Foundations 8th edition (paper) ISBN-13: 978-0134074252
    Foundations 7th edition (paper) ISBN-13: 978-0321814067
    Use a FREE online Book, such as OpenGeology's An Introduction to Geology (

Bottom line: you MUST have MasteringGeology, purchased from the Miramar College bookstore
(for the text, you have options...)

Revised 22 January 2024